What mechanisms are linked to prolongation of the lytic synapse?
How do gain-of-function autoinflammatory mutations affect the protein-protein interactome of the mutated protein?
What genetic and environmental factors drive pathogenic IL-18 production?
How can IL-18 blockade improve the lives of patients with auto- and hyperinflammatory disease.
How does IL-18 epithelial MHC-II antigen presentation?
By what mechanisms does IL-18 promote auto- and hyperinflammatory diseases?
How do specific biomarkers identify distinct categories of auto- and hyperinflammatory disease, specifically:
How can biomarkers disentangle Systemic JIA-associated lung disease from underlying SJIA and MAS?
How can early identification of patients through screening for high ferritin help hasten diagnosis and/or guide treatment in hyperinflammatory diseases?